One Streets Festival - Limassol

montana cyprus is sponsoring the street festival 'ONE STREETS FESTIVAL'
when: 3 December 2011 10:00-15:00
where: platia iroon (iroon square), Limassol
live graffiti...
do not miss it, come say hello and paint

Youth Leaders Power Up Limassol With One StreetS Festival

With the slogan “CTR+ALT+DELETE” referring to the walls that exist between the people of diverse ethnicities inhabiting Cyprus, “Youth Leaders and Cultural Activists”, an informal group of young Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, take over Platia Iroon with One StreetS Festival, this Saturday 03 December 2011, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, proving that peace and tolerance can be fun.

The programme includes music by Dj Acid BubbleRapAndPainThe Twins, and Tat-tnabar, live street theatre performances by Invisible Theater, graffiti creations by Paparazzi and other artists, an open air photo exhibition and much more. The One StreetS Handcraft Bazaar involving local artists provides a colourful frame for the performances.

The festival is the fruit of the creativity and labour of Youth Leaders and Cultural Activists, a group of energetic, young, individuals, consisting of Maria Papadopoulou, Deniz Urfali, Myrofora Papasofroniou, and Meltem Ikinci. In her statement, Myrofora Papasofroniou says she hopes that “the festival will bring together young Cypriots who haven’t as yet had the chance to attend a bi-communal festival which promotes messages of peace, tolerance and respectful diversity. It is important for us young people of Cyprus to create events that give us the chance to come closer together and to get to know each other. I believe that we can get along as human beings and that we can co-exist without actual or metaphorical walls to separate and divide us. Individual creativity and respect for each other’s differences can help us significantly in breaking down these walls and in bringing about change. Any one of us can be a catalyst for peace and change.”

One StreetS Festival is supported by “Youth Power: Shaping Our Future” and funded by UNDP’s initiative in Cyprus Action for cooperation and Trust. “Youth Power consists of 12 Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot organisations working together to support youth development and activism throughout Cyprus.

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